Product Designer

Fixing legacy

Cleaning a product that has been built without a designer for 6 years

Fixing legacy

Cleaning a product that has been built without a designer for 6 years

The starting point

The platform was targeted at a narrow B2B market of corporate traders. Every trader was precious, so losing any user would be a significant loss for the company.

I had to act carefully to avoid diverting any existing users but bold enough to improve the system during every sprint.

The starting point

The platform was targeted at a narrow B2B market of corporate traders. Every trader was precious, so losing any user would be a significant loss for the company.

I had to act carefully to avoid diverting any existing users but bold enough to improve the system during every sprint.


I visited a few trading desks and interviewed traders, where I gained a bunch of insights. The most surprising was that they worked on rubbish old uncalibrated monitors in configurations 2x3 or 3x3.

I also interviewed team members who somehow interacted with our users.

Establishing relationships

When I started, the engineering team was highly skeptical about design. After all, they had worked for 6 years without a designer.

I had to find a common ground with them and change their attitude.

Approaches I used:

  • Maximum transparency. I asked engineers' opinions about every significant update and explained the logic behind it

  • Listening. I carefully considered all concerns and didn't move forward without being sure that engineers agree with a design

  • Suggesting dumb solutions. Sometimes, engineers said that something was impossible to do. In such cases, I suggested any solutions that came into my mind. The trick is, after the engineers' thinking process has started, finding a good solution is easy

  • Make my own hands dirty. For some tasks, it was quicker to code something by yourself than to ask somebody else

As a result, my work with engineers was smooth, and I even got praise from the CTO.

Top panel

I like to hit a few targets with one arrow, so I started redesigning from the top panel to:

  • Improve navigation

  • Focus people on the most important functions

  • Start building a brand

  • Show that the product is changing


The system contained an enormous amount of information, which is why it worked like a desktop: users could create their own desktop using the most relevant widgets.

My next step was to update the widget design. I started by fixing the old design's primary UI problems.

I created a bunch of new principles that were rolled out to all widgets.

At this moment, stakeholders decided to shift team efforts to new features, so I didn't have enough time to dig deeper and implement all of my ideas.


The result was a much friendlier and memorable interface, and it got great feedback from our users.